Writing Books

Writing is hard work.  Good writing requires a directed story line and fascinating character development, written with descriptive words to convey lofty thoughts.  It takes time and effort – sitting still – to think, type, edit, revise, and reread, and you may never feel fully satisfied with the latest draft.  It also takes humility to share your work with others and accept their criticism and praise.


I made a decision to write fiction for the purpose of glorifying God.  The world is a noisy place, with so many spoken and written words and images bombarding us.  If I contribute to the noise, I want my words to add beauty and value, and there is nothing more beautiful or valuable than knowing and worshiping God.  I pray that whenever someone reads my written words, they would forget me and my ideas, and only see the glory of God and the glory of His Word that became flesh and dwelt among us, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

For more about Writing Books, please check out the following links to my blog posts:

And please check out all of the information about writing my first Christian fiction novel, Elephant in the Room.

Do you have a personal story about the hard work of writing? What motivates you to write? What kind of noise are you making?

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