Count Your Blessings with Your Kids

As we try to develop our own habit of giving thanks to God for His many blessings in November 2021, take some time in the midst of the seasonal activities to teach your children to understand how blessed they are and to give thanks.

Several years ago, I created this little game to play with young children during the Thanksgiving season, to help them guard their hearts with contentment and joy before the deluge of advertisements and attention promoting getting and giving more stuff.  Here’s a simple set of cards that invite children to count common things around the house and then say thank you to God for His provision.


Count Your Blessings Card Game

  1. CLICK HERE to download and print this free two-page copy of the Count Your Blessings cards.  To make the cards last longer, print them on thicker card stock paper.
  2. Cut the cards on the lines, then color the pictures (colored pencils work best).
  3. Let each child select a card and then go count according to the directions.  Adults can play, too.  Can you get through the entire stack of cards on Thanksgiving Day or will you answer one card per day over the next few weeks of the holiday season?
  4. To create a family tradition, have the child write the date and their answer on the back of the card.  When you play the game next year, read and consider how God has blessed you.  What’s changed?  A different house?  A new family member?
  5. Feel free to print extra copies and give away sets of cards to family friends.

If your family likes to go around the Thanksgiving table to let each person say something that they are thankful for, then let each child at the gathering count one card before the meal begins.  That way, they will have their own special thing to share with the group!

Please let me know how your family enjoys using these Count Your Blessing Game Cards this year. 

This article and card game were originally shared in November 2017 and November 2019.

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